Restoration of the Heart Ministry
210 Methow Street
Wenatchee, WA
Our decision to pursue counseling was motivated by God’s leading to seek healing from wounds and beliefs that had slowly poisoned our marriage of twenty years. We understood that questions needed to be asked that neither of us wanted or even knew to ask. This was God’s wisdom and love for us. Over the weeks that followed, the sessions were painful, but fruitful. Sometimes, we would arrive with dread. Other days, we couldn’t guess what we could possibly discuss next. But, each and every time, God used the visit to further heal our personal life and consequently, our marriage. ~ Anonymous
I can finally say that “Life is good!” I became a Christian at an early age, and recommitted my life to the Lord after graduating from college. As an educated professional woman, few knew of the background that I had come from. Eventually, my childhood wounding resulted in a failed marriage, an inability to make decisions or trust others, and to enjoy lasting relationships. I had kept “the secret” of a mentally ill parent all of my life. Eventually, major life events caught up with me, and I was forced to seek help emotionally for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress. The Lord led me to seek counseling from Debra Ciarlo, where I finally found the answers I needed for dealing with the pain and effects of severe childhood abuse. The journey to wholeness with Christ, for me, has been a long, intense and entirely satisfying one. I was able to forgive those involved and have a much healthier relationship with them. I continually pray for their healing
and lives.
~ Anonymous
People I have known for years, have witnessed the transformation that the Lord has brought to my life through receiving emotional healing here. I am able to trust and love others in a healthy way. My relationship with the Lord has become unbelievable, and I know that He desires and can bring about total healing in all areas of our lives. Counseling has allowed me to minister to others, develop healthy relationships, and choose God’s way to relate to my family. My wish and desire for this ministry is that people from all walks of life and financial conditions, might be able to receive God’s love and healing, while traveling through the journey alongside someone who will be both a prayer minister and a friend. ~ Anonymous